Muhammad and his enemies - from the opposing Sarrazin Strache to form up. With great support and the wrong argumet
profile: In Europe, the fear of "creeping Islamisation" in order. They have even used this term already. Do we have to fear?
Dönmez: We do not have of Islam as a religion to fear, but from those who exploit this religion. This fear is legitimate and real There are many groups that are here in Vienna as an extension of their respective countries of origin, political action - disguised as NGOs or as cultural associations. They build networks to disseminate a political ideology, and from taking advantage of people of faith. From Europe to flow billions of euros of Islamic organizations, are influenced by Muslims so as to donate money, money that will disappear in opaque channels, partly in support of terrorist organizations. The central theme you have. With Islam has nothing to do.
profile: Represented this Groups that crosslink increased in Austria, a fundamentalist version of Islam?
Dönmez: Yes.
profile: If the fundamentalist movement within Islam in Austria more recently?
Dönmez: As far as I see it, yes.
profile: Worry is so entitled. Why do you then say that we are not afraid of Islam? These phenomena are indeed not part of Islam, right?
Dönmez: I understand the need of people to put everything in a pot. But it makes a huge difference if someone is religious or make use of religious feelings, in order to influence people politically. Austria has the largest influx of Muslim immigrants from Turkey. Most of the cultural associations are from Turkey. Since it is striking that it is with integration and education very badly. Me, the question arises: What have these so-called cultural associations made to date? Why are there with Muslim-born young people with more problems than others?
profile: below you would write that Muslim immigrants are more problematic in terms of unemployment, education, or crime?
Dönmez: But not because they are Muslims, but because these clubs have done nothing to integrate the people.
profile: This is Muslim cultural associations, whose members are Muslims. How can you say that this has to do with Islam?
Dönmez: There are many groups operating in the name of Islam. It goes back to ancient structures in Islam, which has always been used to dominate the people to manage and lead. This is unacceptable, and that exists here and today.
profile: what to do with these groups which operate in Austria, and possibly dangerous?
Dönmez: The vast majority of Muslims is not at all dangerous. There are a few who are radical and any additional integration reject. We have to be Austrian politician to ask ourselves: who we get in front of the curtain? Until now, there have always been the conservative, Islamist forces who have been invited to receptions. We must strengthen the secular, liberal people who profess to Austria, the rule of law and democracy and an Islam embody that is embedded in the European values.
profile: You complain that people get citizenship, which show no interest in social life in Austria. What do you mean by that?
Dönmez: For example, I do not understand when people do their children send to school or when Muslim students are prevented by their parents because the school trip to the ski course or participate. You can not. Since I will not come with the faith that has nothing to do with it.
profile: What is the development of Islam in Austria can predict when changes in policy towards Islam nothing?
Dönmez: The right-wing parties FPÖ, BZÖ and parts of the Austrian People's Party will be stronger. On the side of the Muslims are getting more radical, Islamist movements even more popular. Open-minded, liberal Muslims will feel like second class citizens. We can see this already in Germany: The well-educated Turks go back to Turkey because they are discriminated against despite good training. There migrate those who can choose.
profile: And with us it is the fundamentalist-oriented, uneducated dregs?
Dönmez: If we can continue like this I guarantee you that just this development, which can be observed in Germany, will come to us.
profile: Are you devout Muslim?
Dönmez: I am a secular Muslim with Alevi roots. I do not pray five times a day, but I am deeply religious. I have the Catholic and Muslim religious education attended. I am convinced that we all believe the same God and the latter shook his head as to how we perform here on the earth below and use our minds not
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09/13/2010 build / crusade-islam With
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