Monday, July 26, 2010

Bubble Happy Birthday

100,000 immigrants in 2030? The case

100,000 immigrants in 2030? For SPÖ too much
Integration - criticism from all sides at the push of Secretary of State Spindelegger
How many immigrants Austria needs in the coming years? In the domestic policy debate since yesterday. ÖAAB trigger was Foreign Minister and Chairman Michael Spindelegger. He said in the press that need Austria to 2030 some 100,000 immigrants.
"We desperately need immigrants," said Spindelegger and called for an "active" migration policy of the government. "Without active, selective process of immigration" health and social systems are not viable.
The other parties have reacted skeptically or hostile to the initiative. "The fact is that we need a certain level of immigration. Because of an aging society, there are fewer payments into the welfare system. But 100,000 seems by the year 2030, but a bit on the high side, "said Social Democratic Party Federal Director Herb Guenther to the courier. [...]
expected, reacted negatively Blue and Orange. "Immigration policy à la Spindelegger we reject," said Freedom Party deputy chairman Norbert Hofer. BZÖ Chairman Josef Bucher vehemently against "mass immigration".

immigration much higher. By 2030, half a million more people
The expert Rainer Muenz qualified the claim by Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger (ÖVP), Austria that 100,000 immigrants in 2030 need otherwise be older and for society. According to calculations of coin immigration is already much higher. Anyway
moved every year 100000-120000 people to Austria, mainly from other EU countries, says the coin Ö1 Journal-morning conversation. 80,000 people went away every year, remained the bottom line every year more people 20000-40000. "That means by 2030 half a million people more," says Münz. Go in this direction, the prognosis of Statistics Austria, by around nine million people in Austria in 2030 and about 9.5 million by the middle of the 21 Century.
immigration was reasonable and support the social security systems, said coin, if immigrants find work quickly, pay taxes and pay into social security systems. The long term, however, increase the number of those who can even go into retirement.
Immigration currently come primarily from the EU and was not politically driven, because of the establishment within the EU exercises it. Which was determined primarily by the available studies and jobs, so pay. Politically influenced and was limited in only those from third countries.
The assessment of the skill levels of immigrants straightens coin: the immigrants who have come in the last ten years from Austria, differed significantly from the "guest workers" of the 1960s. Especially in the last ten years, the immigration originates mainly from the middle and higher skill area. "I see the problems we have created in the '6 os-year term by the recruitment of guest workers themselves, with a planned migration of not more qualified people," says the demographer.
(Ö1 Morning Journal, OÖN 26.7.)


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